Brand profile

Lush Longboards is a skater owned and skater run UK based longboard manufacturer. We started cutting decks in a back garden in Bath in 1999, and we’ve been running longboard freeride, freestyle and downhill events since 2001. From the beginning we have seen longboards as an excuse to get out there and see more of the world… hence our tagline – live.. skate.. travel. In our years of making longboard decks we’ve moved from vacuum bags, PVA, birch and jigsaws to hydraulic presses, epoxy, maple, fibreglass, and CNC routers. We all skate and we have gained a huge amount of skateboard knowledge during this time – it’s this hard-won knowledge you can feel in our decks. As we have grown internationally we have increased our support to events and skaters across the globe, and we’re proud to include skaters as far away as Australia and Canada in our extended family. Our aims for the future are to make more kickass longboard decks and help longboarding grow – the right way.

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